- Hordein
- nгордеин (проламин ячменя)
Das Deutsch-Russische Wörterbuch des Biers. - RUSSO. E. S. Anjuschkin. 2005.
Das Deutsch-Russische Wörterbuch des Biers. - RUSSO. E. S. Anjuschkin. 2005.
Hordein — is a glycoprotein, present in barley and some other cereals, together with gliadin and other glycoproteins as gluten.Some people are sensitive to hordein due to disorders such as celiac disease or gluten intolerance. Along with gliadin (the… … Wikipedia
Hordein — Hor de*in, n. [L. hordeum barley.] (Chem.) A peculiar starchy matter contained in barley. It is a complex mixture. [R.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Hordeīn — Hordeīn, nannte Proust eine vermeintliche neue Substanz im Gerstenmehl; welche indessen nichts als Stärke ist … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
hordein — hordèīn m <G hordeína> DEFINICIJA kem. biljna bjelančevina (prolamin), nalazi se i u zrnu ječma, bogata glutenom ETIMOLOGIJA fr. hordéine ≃ lat. hordeum: ječam … Hrvatski jezični portal
hordein — /hawr dee in/, n. Biochem. a simple protein of the prolamin class, found in barley grain. [1820 30; < F hordéine < L horde(um) barley + F ine IN2] * * * … Universalium
Hordein — Hor|de|in [nlat. Hordeum = Gerste (Bot.); ↑ in (3)], das; s, e: das Prolamin der Gerste. * * * Hor|de|in, das; s [zu lat. hordeum = Gerste] (Biochemie): Eiweißkörper, der Bestandteil des Gerstenkorns bzw. mehls ist … Universal-Lexikon
hordein — hor·de·in hȯr dē ən n a prolamin found in the seeds of barley … Medical dictionary
Hordein — Hor|de|in das; s <zu lat. hordeum »Gerste« u. ↑...in> Eiweißkörper in der Gerste … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
hordein — hor·de·in … English syllables
hordein — ˈhȯ(r)dēə̇n noun ( s) Etymology: French hordéine, from Latin hordeum barley + French ine : a prolamin found in the seeds of barley … Useful english dictionary
Gluten-free beer — is beer made from ingredients that do not contain glycoproteins (gluten). People who have gluten intolerance (including celiacs and dermatitis herpetiformis sufferers) have a reaction to certain proteins in the grains commonly used to make beer,… … Wikipedia